Our story unfolds in the heart of the digital realm, in the captivating city of Tallinn, nestled in the innovation-rich country of Estonia, where we found our corporate home.
We are a closely-knit team of intelligence and security professionals. Our paths converged as former colleagues, each of us bringing a wealth of experience from different firms and organizations. Over the years, we've forged strong bonds while working in various sectors – from serving governments and the financial services industry to consulting with renowned firms. Our collective expertise is a testament to the diverse perspectives we've gained throughout our careers.
What sets us apart is not just our individual expertise but our collective experience. We've had the privilege to work on sensitive investigations, in a diverse set of areas including fraud, anti-money laundering, cyber incidents, ethics.
As we move forward, we invite you to be a part of our story. Together, we'll navigate the complex landscape of cybersecurity, forging a safer and more secure digital future for all.
About Us
Nello Verde
Cyber threat intelligence professional with experience in cybersecurity and OSINT investigations
Derya Ocak
Risk Management specialist with experience in due diligence, internal auditing, business management and legal & compliance